Some of the fastest growing chains in the restaurant industry are the ones embracing innovation throughout their operations. The Restaurant Franchising & Innovation Summit will explore how limited-service chains can leverage innovation in a variety forms — from experience innovation to kitchen innovation to menu innovation and beyond — as a catalyst for franchise expansion.
By continually investigating and investing in cutting-edge solutions for both the front of house and back of house, franchisors put themselves in a very strong position to attract potential franchisees who are seeking opportunities with forward-thinking brands. The Restaurant Franchising & Innovation Summit will help franchisors be more progressive in many areas of their business to attract both investors and customers.
2017 Speakers

Anyone on the corporate franchising side involved in driving product, service, equipment, and customer-experience innovation, new franchise development, franchise branding, and consistent technology adoption, use, and utilization among existing system franchisees. This also includes successful franchise owner/operators who serve in advisory capacities, as pilot testers, early adopters, and vocal champions of new system innovations and technologies. As well as operators of existing successful franchisees and start-up franchisors.